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Welcome to Chronically Leu, my very own backstage.  Explore my site and all that is my life managing and overcoming with chronic illnesses. 

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I believe you must bring your whole self to the table if you want to thrive in today’s crazy world; your struggles , your achievements, your personality, but most of all your your heart. All of these elements brought me to start Chronically Leu. 

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If you only knew...

“You either get bitter or you get better. It’s that simple. You either take what has been dealt to you and allow it to make you a better...

Dating with a chronic Illness

"Dating is about finding out who you are and who others are. If you show up in a masquerade outfit, neither is going to happen. " -Henry...

Hey there Twenty Five

"Don't regret another birthday, the good news is that you are alive and can celebrate it." --Catherine Pulsifer I'm turning a quarter of...

Dear Little Me

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” - Sayings of Buddha If you could change the...

2020- A decade for change

“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” – Herman Hesse "New year, new me!" Sound familiar? I think...

Five Spoonie Worthy Gifts!

“A wonderful gift may not be wrapped as you expect.” ― Jonathan Lockwood Huie ITS CHRISTMAS WEEK!! Okay, spazz moment over ya'll. This...

Love So Fierce

Loving someone so fierce it hurts. That's how you love chronically.

Chronically Cooking

Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. Guy Fieri I...

Oh Shit Kit.

No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap. Carrie P. Snow Everyone has bad days. Now try that while fasting. In 95% humidity. While...

Netflix and Pills!

Life has good days and bad days. So does chronic illness. The continual bad days are called flares. During flares I can be good enough to...

Spoonies Guide to Self Care

If it costs your sanity, it is too expensive. Self care is something that everyone seems to forget about, healthy and chronically ill...

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