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Spoonies Guide to Self Care

If it costs your sanity, it is too expensive.


Self care is something that everyone seems to forget about, healthy and chronically ill alike. I'm awful at self care. Like seriously the worst. I have always been go, go, go, do, do , do. I have learned to love yourself a little extra. Everyone's self love looks different, but the message is the same. It's taken me 24 years to come to terms with me time and realizing without "me time" I am next to useless by the end of the week for anyone else. Scheduling in time for self care has become a priority. I have made it a requirement to pencil myself into my planner, put myself on the list. So what does self care look like for you? Do you enjoy a run ? Do you enjoy adventure and go hiking? What about cooking delicious cuisine ? If you don't have time to schedule in self care here is a guide to my seven spoonie friendly self - care ideas.


There is nothing like the a good escape of a book to do your mind some ease. I LOVE reading. Though holding a book has become challenging at times due to my dislocations , I have come to appreciate audio books. This way I can still get the story , but can listen to it in my noise cancelling headphones when I can't physically hold the book. This week I'm reading "The Vine Witch," on my Amazon Kindle Unlimited account. Now without lugging around books , I have them at the touch of an app in my pocket. How cool !

Bath time

Even with my heat intolerance, a warm bath in bubbles to my nose can sure cure the blues. A bath tray with an ice cold bottle of water (my go to favorite, a hospital cup) can assist in keeping my heat intolerance at bay , while relaxing me at the same time. You know a bath isn't complete without candles and music to mellow me out while I soak my joints! If I'm feeling real froggy I like to add bath bomb for some fun colors and smells. Just unwind !

Manicures and pedicures

Sometimes a little self love means being pampering. Some people get their hair done or get massages, I get my nails done. Taking an hour to myself and letting someone massage my feet and make me pretty gets my attention quick. When you're constantly attached to tubes and monitors , you can start to feel like everyone is staring. With my nails done, I can pick wacky colors or themes to catch an eye, instead of my lines.

Social Media Purge

Do they bring you joy? Nope? Time for you to go my friend. It doesn't take much energy to hold a phone and swipe. If they don't make you feel good then why keep them around? I don't have time for that negativity or sour puss life. Simple as that.

Order Take Out

Cooking with a chronic illness sucks. There I said it. If you want to live you have to eat though. I make take out or freezer meals a staple in our household. When I'm feeling up to it and good, I love to cook. But all that unnecessary standing in the kitchen, the prep, and the organization can take a toll on me on an already rough day. I challenge you to find a few go to take out (even better if they deliver) restaurants that can save you on a challenging day when cooking is just too much to tolerate.

Do your makeup ladies.

This one seems silly. I used to not leave the house without my hair done and a full face of makeup. Who has the spoons for that ?! Now I'm lucky if my bun is pinned down . I've come to terms with and accepted that some days I will look like a troll from under the bridge. But there is times when a girl has to get dolled up. Sometimes this is me putting on makeup while laying in bed. Other times this is the whole nine of makeup,hair, and clothing. Judge this by what makes you feel good and what you have spoons for.

Reach out

While this may not sound like a self care to do , for me it is! How often do you find yourself being so caught up in the world whizzing by that you forget to reach out? I know I do. Reading someones social media isn't reaching out. I have an amazing tribe, near and far alike, and I am blessed to have them. Even a simple "hello" or " I'm thinking of you" makes the world of difference in my psyche. Reaching out to an old pal makes me feel rich. I want to be part of your team. I want to be in your corner. I know that life gets busy and we all have lives, but taking a few moments and reaching out makes my day knowing I've invested in that relationship.

Post below and let me know what your self care routine looks like! Let's give each other ideas. Are you struggling with self love ? Drop me an email, comment, or a text, I'd love to be in your corner.

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