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Dear Little Me

“No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.”

- Sayings of Buddha


If you could change the past would you ? What would you tell yourself ? What if a saying would alter the future? Would you do it? As we go into the new year and decade I find myself looking back a lot and wishing to change things. I'm human. It's one of our flaws. I also find myself cherishing memories of the past. This week I chose to write a letter to my younger self. This has been has been an eye opening post. It really has made me look deep inside myself. I challenge you to write one for you.

Dear little Rachel,

How can I prove that I'm actually you? I could tell you all about Scary man from your childhood. I could tell you all about swimming times in college. I could tell you about the old man dying next door, and our mom consequently playing "Digging up bones." What about the voices coming from the bathroom in Madison, or the Billy Gilman CD you listened to every night completely through before falling asleep. Hopefully by now you believe me. I won't rat you out, but listen on up. This advice I'm going to give you isn't black and white, but I want you to know tips to thrive in this journey called life.

Childhood years

My oh my how the years will go! Explore little one. Get dirty ! Know the sky is the limit. Play til your heart is content. Make lots of friends. Enjoy the little things. The world is yours for the taking! There will come a day when the world isn't so kind. Cherish the family times before it's too late. Before you know it you will move away and miss out on so many family functions. Those trips to Tennessee won't be around forever honey.

Teenage years

You've grown so much. You now know how the world works. You have your own opinions. Take the world by storm. Remember to be kind to others. Don't forget yourself! You don't realize yet how strong you are. The next few years will face challenges that feel impossible. Don't fret. They are but mole hills. I promise the world isn't ending. Being a teenage girl is hard , I know. But you will over come. I promise you will.

Your parents are tough on you because they know you are capable of great things. Your parents care so much. Don't give them so much grief . Listen to them the first time they ask you to do something. Seriously they aren't being unreasonable ,you're just being a smart ass kid. You probably won't believe me, but one day they will be your best friends. You will call them to tell them everything about your life.

When you enter high school, don't worry about what other people think. You won't see them after it is all said and done. Though you want to befriend everyone, cherish the few you keep the closest. These will be the few you look hold in your heart when times are tough. While we're on the topic of friendship, don't you ever, ever, dim your light for some fair weather friend. You are so much more than they are.

You're going to fall in love to a few men. When they break your heart don't to hold on the the grief. You will find the love of your life in a few years.

Don’t be in such a hurry to grow up. Slow down and enjoy the ride. Life is going to start flying by. Remember to take each day by storm.You are destined for great things.

Young adult

Hey there kid, you did good. You are going to thrive in life, but it wont be easy. College will be a breeze. Actually go to your classes. Don't party so hard, but still enjoy the hell out of it. Looking back these will be the best years of your life.

Now, about the young man you have chosen. At nineteen you'll meet the man of your dreams. Hold him tight and hard, he is your rock for life. You will laugh every day of your life. He is strong and courageous. You're going to be a beautiful bride. Remember the hole in your heart of those missing.

Life will come to a tumbling down at 20. You're going to get sick, but you can make it. You're going to be told you're crazy, don't listen to them. Be fierce. Be strong. You will be okay. Fight for your health and care. At 24 you will get sepsis and blood clots. Girl don't be so stubborn, seek treatment. This could kill you. Fight hard. Fight so hard. You will come out on top and beat it, but you need to fight. Don't let your experiences here harden you.From there on out life will be a breeze in comparison.

Looking forward

Now that you're caught up in life I'd like to give you more advice about the future. You're still so young at a tender 25. Don't be ashamed of the battles you have to fight and the scars you will get along the way. These are your warrior marks. They make you so much stronger and more beautiful than you can imagine. Find beauty in the small things, laugh daily, and do not take a second for granted.Let you're love fiercely. The world out there can be harsh.Get back up and soar baby girl.

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