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Netflix and Pills!

Life has good days and bad days. So does chronic illness. The continual bad days are called flares. During flares I can be good enough to hold a book and lounge around but not much more . On the really bad days of a flare I cannot walk without assistance, I can't do much more than use Alexa to binge watch Netflix all day under an ungodly amount of blankets and pillows. Flares and bad days have made me a professional binge watcher. My husband remarks left and right, "You’re how far into the series?!" I wanted to give ya'll some of my guilty pleasures, especially with the weather change. It jumped from summer to winter in one week here in Illinois with really no fall in between. You know what that means though, movie nights galore. This post specifically will outline some amazing TV series that get me through and help me pass the time.

When you need a feel good show

Gilmore Girls


Currently my victim is Gilmore Girls. I don't think I actually ever finished it years ago. So now I am. This show follows mother and daughter couple in their little town throughout life's ups and downs. Holy cow. It is such a great feel good show. I can say I am more invested in the relationships on this series than most humans I interact with . It makes you just genuinely smile. This has seven seasons to binge away!

When you need a good cry

Greys Anatomy

It''s a beautiful day to save lives.

Oh Shonda Rhimes. If you're not aware this show is Shonda's first big show. Sixteen seasons of pure love and gut wrenching bliss. This show is a medical drama with one surprise after the next. One thing is for sure, Shonda isn't afraid to kill off your favorite characters.This show gets the water works rolling. I have been a religious watcher of this show for six years now and just when you don't know how in the world the show can get any better it does.

When you need a good belly laugh

The Good Place


This show only has four seasons which breaks my heart. This forking show always gets me laughing. Between the interactions of characters and the hilarity of censoring curse words, this show is sure to be a hit. The good place follows bad people in a fake "heaven" which is actually "hell," in their journey for moral righteousness. On the rough days when everything hurts and I'm just not feeling hot, a good laugh always lightens my life.

When you want to find a murderer

Criminal Minds

Hey, Silly girl. I love you, you know that, right?

Oh the love between Morgan and Garcia. Find you someone who loves you fiercely like Morgan loves Baby Girl. ( I know I found mine ;) ) Criminal Minds is a long running show in its 14th season. This show follows the BAU and their paths to hunting down serial killers. It's so addicting. It sucks you in. Before you know it you're screaming at the television to check the files and to be safe, all while under a blanket and up to your nose in popcorn. I don't know about you but it is so intriguing. This show gives me a way to work my brain and try to figure out who dunnit before they do the big reveal. This keeps my brain active when my body refuses.

When you need to escape to another time in space

Doctor Who

900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important.

We're all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?

For me Doctor who is more than a show, its the reason me and this cute boy bonded. The reason that still six years later he helps me through flares and loves me through life. Doctor Who helped me snag my husband. This British series follows an alien man and his human companions, who travel time in all day but I don't want to spoil anything. No matter how bad the flare or how many times I've watched the series, I can always count on the Doctor to cheer me up and keep me company.

When you're feeling a love triangle

Vampire Diaries

We choose our own path. Our values and our actions, they define who we are.

Stefan, Damon, Elaina, OH MY. This show follows a vampire brother duo through their lives, love, heartache, and more. The Salvatore boys in little ole Mystic Falls embark in magical creatures galore, where their paths cross with Elaina From vampires to werewolves , this show is a roller coaster. Vampire Diaries inspired two phenomenal spin offs. The Originals follows the first vampires and their lineage in New Orleans. Legacies follows the original vampires daughter in her journeys at an all magic school. These three shows will keep you wanting more from the comfort and safety (from vampires) of your king size bed.

When you're looking for a little friendly competition

Master Chef

Ah mate that's the sort of thing I would dip my head in.

What's better than an angry British man and food? The home chef competition always makes me hungry but man can they cook. I really enjoy this show right before I go butcher the dinner I wanted to make. Nothing says dinner like a panko crusted chicken salad, tomato puree sauce ,and pan fried julianned potatoes.

Honorable Mentions

Family Guy, Fixer Upper, Supernatural, Law and Order: SVU, Good Girl, The 100, Hart of Dixie, Chicago Med, Riverdale, Orange is the New Black, Breaking Bad, Friends, Sons of Anarchy

I hope these suggestions help you find something to watch when life gets tough. I have managed to get through many a flares by clinging to my heating pad and watching episodes on end til my eyeballs fall out. What is YOUR go to series to watch?

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