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Bloom where you're planted-- Fear of missing out with chronic illness

“Comparison is the thief of joy.” - Teddy Rosevelt


FOMO is described as the "anxiety that an exciting or interesting event may currently be happening elsewhere, often aroused by posts seen on a social media website." (Oxford English) With a society of heavily centered around social media, FOMO is a real bitch. Everyone wants to keep up and do what the Jones do. I know I'm guilty. Its almost pathetic.

FOMO can literally stem from any situation. The real question is , why.

Six ways to help in the aid of FOMO


Admit this is an issue

Fear of missing out is a real thing ya'll. I'm always wanting to make sure I'm doing something. Is it a compulsive need for being busy? A need for having the best memories? SLOW DOWN ya'll. Take the time to breathe in and out. Enjoy the radio and just drive, don't try to multitask and make calls. Cook a meal and enjoy eating it, not shoveling it in to get it done.

Be present

Look at Sally's grass. She got the promotion. New car? Check. Living life lavishly and IG perfection? Check those boxes. STOP. Enjoy the moment that you're in. You may think the grass is greener on the other side, but news flash, you've spent so much time admiring the other grass that you've neglected your own grass. Water it. Nourish it. Invest in it.

Spend less time on social media

For anyone born in the 90s, we grew up in an age where social media became prevalent from a young age. Yes, I'm talking to you underage Myspacers :) From there social media took off like wild fire. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, the possibilities are endless. As much as I enjoy my social media, its a cesspool. I find myself always comparing my life to those around me. Ever notice how perfect people's lives seem? It's the intrnet ya'll. Everything is staged. It's the perception of perfection they want you to see, not what's actually going on. Rose colored glasses are a thing of the past. Put on your filter glasses for the Gram and smile.

Practice mindfulness for yo

Practicing mindfulness is making time and space for yourself. So often I was finding myself of autopilot. I think it was an escape for me. I knowingly would space out to another place when I was in a constant pain. I now constantly am reminding myself to breathe. That's all I can do..... breathe.

Invest in relationships, not in items

Take the time to invest time and effort into the relationships in your life. In every trial, relationships will trump possessions. Buying the newest and greatest thing may suffice you now, but I have found that the feeling doesn't last long. I have found peace and happiness when I have invested into the relationships I've built, versus the items I've acquired.

Know that you really can't do it all

You're not Superman. You can't do it all. That is okay. There is days when I have to do trade offs. Do I want to cook a meal or take a shower? There are days that I know I haven't showered in two days, gross, but sometimes I just physically can't. Other days it's either take my medications or eat. In chronic illness there is alot of "one or the others" that don't exist for other people. I know at the end of the day my actions cost spoons. Some days I just don't have the spoons for other luxuries such as showering. Did I think that at twenty five showering or cooking a meal for me and my spouse would be considered a luxury? Absolutely not. But I've accepted this is a walk of life I'm on. I can't do it all. I need help. That's okay.

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