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Oh Shit Kit.

No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap.

Carrie P. Snow


Everyone has bad days. Now try that while fasting. In 95% humidity. While riding a bike in circles. In the sixth circle of hell. While drunk. Yup. That's an idea of how shitty I feel during a flare. A flare describes a flare up of multiple symptoms that makes a chronic illness worse. These days are miserable. Flare ups can last a day to weeks at a time. If you're lucky only one illness will flare up at a time, but let's be honest, most of us spoonies are not that lucky. While everyone handles flares their own way the goal is ultimately the same, comfort and with minimization of symptoms. Medication if prescribed is obviously a go to option during a flare , but our kits need to include non medicinal options as well. Some have actual kits made up, as I do for the most part for convenience.I have dubbed this my "Oh Shit Kit."` Other spoonies have an idea of what helps them through flares so they just keep access to the items. Find what works for you and your needs. Let's talk about ten must have items to keep in your flare kit:

1. Heating pad

This is crucial for comfort! Back spasm, cramps, painful joints, temperature fluctuation, the list goes on. I have purchased many heating pads over the years and my favorite is an electric pad. Electric heating pads obviously have a current so they stay warmer longer which is perfect for my needs. While some people may prefer the larger heating pads I find the standard size is perfect for me. This particular heating pad is very moldable for my awkward positions of joint placement. I would recommend a heating pad with an auto shut off function for safety purposes. I am one to use the heating pad falling asleep and this way I cannot burn the house down. My husband appreciates this function.

2. Headphones and multimedia

I don't know about you but when I'm ill I want to get out of my own head. Knowing I'm sick and don't feel well just makes me feel worse. This is where the distraction comes into play. When I'm having a flare that doesn't massively include the joints in my fingers I LOVE to blog. This gives me time to really get my feelings out , prep my blog, and jot down some future blog ideas. The headphones can either be used for white noise, or my personal favorite MUSIC. I have tried many headphones over the years but my favorite are blue tooth capable and smooshy as all get out. I have unusually small ear canals so these monsters are the comfiest I have found. They also have a built in noise cancellation feature for when sounds are a no go during a migraine.

3. Tea

Tea makes the world go round. Or gravitational pull. Same thing. During a flare I'm never far from a cup of tea. My go to tea is any type of Earl Grey tea. While this is a comfort measure, as most of this list is, there is some medicinal properties that I love. For one, the bergamont found in Early Grey tea has been noted to fight free radicals, boosting immunity. It also aids in digestion and lowers acid reflux. Add lavendar to the mix, now you have a calming tea that lowers nausea and aids in sleep.

4. Coloring Book

Coloring books are good for the soul. When my joints aren't slipping coloring is super relaxing. Sometimes I love a good dog coloring book, other times it an adult themed coloring book. I have learned to adapt my coloring medium based on how I'm doing. When my joints are slipping left and right colored pencils are out of the question, but thick markers or gel pens with grips are a go. When my joints really don't want to cooperate I use a few different apps on my phone to color. My favorite apps are the color by number types! Really gets the creative juices going.

5. TENS Unit

I love my portable TENS unit. A TENS ( transcutaneuous electrical stimulation) unit is basically a mini shock collar for you body. Just kidding. Kind of. This device transmits low voltage electric currents to help relieve pain. I have two. I have a wired device that I mainly use for my back as it is stronger. I also have a wireless one that I can use on another body part , or throw in my purse for on the go.

6. Anti nausea meds

Isn't nausea fantastic? Nothing like wanting to yak all.the.time. I am never far from anti nausea medication, especially in a flare. While I have prescription strength meds, sometimes the nausea doesn't full let up, or another wave hits before I can redose my meds. While ginger candy is tolerable, I love Preggie Pop Drops! They have a few different flavors but my favorite is sour raspberry. I always have a few of these floating around my purse. I can say after trying ginger candy, OTC anti nausea medication, sea bands, and more, these are the only thing (besides my rx) that actually work for me.

7. Fuzzy socks

I will never not want fuzzy socks. Short fuzzy socks. Slipper socks. Fuzzy socks that look like slippers. Fuzzy grippy socks. Knee high fuzzy socks. It's a vicious never ending cycle. No matter how awful I'm feeling, fuzzy socks take away some of the bleh. They're also pretty darn great when I am having a hard time regulating body temperature, There really isn't anything other than comfort to add into this one folks.

8. Pillows and blankets

When you can't get out of bed or make it farther than the couch pillows and blankets are a must. When my EDS isn't flaring crazy a weighted blanket (a suggested 10% of your body weight) is my go to. It gives me the feeling of peace. This is also a good sleep aid when I need to rest and can't. Sherpa blankets are currently my favorite. Though a light blanket it is sure warm, perfect for a chilly fall day. So let's talk pillows. I know everyone has their own favorite type of pillow. I don't really care the type, as much as the quantity. My husband is a simple man, two pillows and good to go. I sleep with at least five pillows. If my body isn't up to adjusting the pillows, I can use my sixth pillow. A pregnancy pillow is to die for. The plyability makes it a scream for spoonies. I can adjust it between my painful knees, and double up the top of the pillow to adjust my head when my POTS is flaring up.

9. Medication

Obviously when we're flaring up we have medication that can help. While some of the medication is taken daily, most of us have medication that we take on an as needed basis. For me, these are my emergency medications that are taken when it gets real bad. Some of my medication are for severe allergic reactions, to bring my heart rate down, to bring my blood pressure up, and bring my pain down. Something that I don't do is pain medication. I will take OTC medication, and creams, and patches just to attempt to avoid prescription pain medication. But this is just my preference. Due to my MCAS my body can react and be extremely sensitive to medication, so this can be challenging. My team and I have finally found a regiment of emergency medications that I do not react to . So I cherish these.

10. Firestick /Netflix

Come on ya'll. TV is a must. We don't have cable. We just haven't found it useful in the last couple years. My husband and I have resorted to the Amazon firestick and Netflix. Binge watching can pre occupy my mind just enough to knock off the pain. Keeping an arsenal of shows or movies in your pocket is my go to for when I just don't feel up for it. (Check out my other post "Netflix and pills" for suggestions!)

Hopefully this post has given you some ideas for your flare kit. I know these can be my lifelines when I can't function. Added into my flare kit, is my husband. I don't know how I would make it through flares without him. When I can't open my emergency meds. When I'm just too weak or my blood pressure is too low to go get a drink. When I just need held and told I can make it through. Hes there. If you can find one of him, do it. But you can't have mine. Sorry.

** The items in this post may have photos attached for my favorite items. Most of these come from Amazon because it's easy and convenient. This post is not sponsored.**

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