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Party Survival guide; Ring in the roaring 20s

"I can party like a twenty-four-year-old but it takes me almost a week to recover. "

--Amy Poehler


Think back to a wild party you attended, or back to a time when you went a little too hard. Got the image? Ah. Good times right? I remember back when I could party hardy with no cares. Then chronic illness hit like fifty pounds of bricks. Having to be on guard of your every move and choice, or face a flare, makes partying hard. Now yes I could stop partying, but come on ya'lll. I'm only 24. I may act like a little old lady and be in bed by 9 o'clock, but every once in a while you have to act young!

Regardless of what kind of party you attend, remember your well being. When we go out I always want to pretend I can party with the big dogs. At one time I could. I don't want to be seen as the "sick girl." I just want to party with everyone else, pretend I'm totally fine and that I'm invincible. This leads to miserable flares and reckless body behavior.

As the ball gets closer to dropping remember-

---Learn to say no. Don't feel obliged to go to every party. Don't feel like you have to stay the whole time. Stay until you're comfortable.

---Remember that it's okay to not feel well. Flares happen. People get ill. It's okay

-- I have found that using a mobility aid really helps me maintain my pain level through out the night.

--- Do you have PRN medication? If so bring them! Even if you rarely ever take them, the law of shit luck says you will need them when you don't have them.

--- Hosting? Look. No one expects you to be Suzy homemaker but yourself. You don't have to clean your house to high heaven or decorate like Joanna Gaines.

--- If you plan on drinking, HYDRATE HYDRATE HYDRATE, This is especially important if you are a potsie like myself. My rule of thumb is for every alcoholic drink, I make sure to drink one glass of water.

--- Be comfortable. I love to look as good as the next person when I go out, but some items have a time limit. Bring sweats for under your dress, or slippers for before and after the party for when those mean high heels come off.

---When all else fails remember Christmas has just passed, and candy canes are easily sucked into a shiv ;)

For my non ill friends all these tips may not apply to you. This is still just a fraction of what goes on when I plan to do anything. I also make sure I have extra everything in my car if I'm further away. This includes all supplies for a dressing change, extra accessing supplies,and at least one pair of clothes. It isn't as easy as deciding to do something and jumping. Chronic illness requires planning. So please be gentle on your friends when they can't move at the drop of a dime.

I know with family and the holidays still in full swing everyone has things happening. I wanted to still commit to my weekly post for ya'll but keep it short, simple, and too the point. Thank you for the most amazing end of the year with all of your support by my side ! I pray each of y'all have an AMAZING chance to ring in the new year, be it spent at a gathering or at home in your jammies! Be safe, be kind to yourself, and remember to be nice to your body! ❤

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